





Prescription Drugs



 Click on these topics for detailed information on each substance listed. Then Take the drug facts quiz and see what you retained.

Just the Facts about Marijuana (THC)


Many states have de-regulated marijuana and/or THC products and CBD (made from hemp and may have up to 0.3% Delta 9 THC, the chemical that must be tested for on a Positive drug test) has been legalized throughout the United States. If your state has de-regulated or created a medical marijuana exception


that does NOT mean your company, and definitely NOT the Department of Transportation, will accept a positive test with a medical card or state deregulation as an excuse for a positive test.


A Medical Review Officer can confirm a legitimate medical marijuana card but


will NOT overturn a positive laboratory result for marijuana under any circumstances


except for a prescription for the medication called Marinol.


Marijuana is the common name for a crude drug made from the plant Cannabis Sativa.  The main mind-altering (psychoactive) ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). More than 400 other chemicals also are in the plant.  A marijuana cigarette or “joint” is made from the dried particles of the plant.  The amount of THC is the marijuana determines the strength of its effects.  Marijuana available today is as much as 10 times more potent than marijuana used in the early 1970’s.


Hashish is a concentrated form of marijuana made by taking resin from the leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant and pressing them into cakes or slabs.  Hash is mostly smoked in a pipe rather than rolled into a cigarette.  It is usually stronger than crude marijuana because it contains 5 to 10 times as much THC.  Hash oil may contain up to 50 percent THC.

  • Classification:Depressant, Hallucinogen

  • Slang Names:Dope, weed, herb, grass, pot, hashish, hash

  • Method of Use:Smoking, eating

  • Dependence Potential: Psychologically addictive

When marijuana is smoked, it travels down the windpipe and into the lungs.  Once in the lungs, the smoke passes through the bronchi and into the alveoli (air sacs) where the THC passes into the bloodstream.  Most tissues and organs in the body, especially fat cells and organs such as the brain, then absorb THC.  The “high” reaches its peak in approximately 10-30 minutes and will last from two to eight hours, depending on the amount of marijuana used.


It takes a week to one month for all the chemicals from one marijuana cigarette to leave the body.  As more marijuana is smoked THC accumulates in the cells and the body is never drug-free. When chronic users stop using marijuana, it takes about three months for the accumulation of THC to leave the body.

When marijuana is eaten, it enters the stomach and is broken down for digestion by enzymes.  At this time, THC passes into the bloodstream.  Smoking marijuana puts 5-10 times more THC into the body than eating it. 

  • Loud talking and bursts of laughter in early stages of intoxication

  • Drowsiness or stupor in later stages of intoxication

  • Forgetfulness in conversation

  • Chronic redness of the eyes

  • Odor similar to burning rope on clothing or breath

  • Decrease in school or work performance, truancy

  • Neglect of personal hygiene

  • Change of friends

  • Paranoia, defensiveness, secretiveness, self-centeredness

  • Depression

  • Mood swings

  • A-motivational syndrome

  • Distorted sense of time

  • Use or possession of paraphernalia such as cigarette rolling papers, “roach” clips (used to hold the cigarette), and pipes or a “bong” (a water pipe for cooling smoke so the user can inhale more)

Immediate physical effects of marijuana are elevated heart and pulse rates, bloodshot eyes, and a dry mouth and throat. 


Marijuana impairs or reduces short-term memory, alters one’s sense of time, and reduces the ability to do things requiring concentration, swift reactions, and coordination.  Experiments have shown that marijuana affects a wide range of skills needed for safe driving.  These skills are impaired for at least four to six hours after smoking a single marijuana cigarette, long after the high is gone.  Thinking and reflexes are slowed, making it hard for an impaired driver to respond to sudden, unexpected events.  A driver’s ability to steer properly, brake quickly and maintain speed and proper distance between cars is affected, according to research. Marijuana and its potent chemical THC cause cell abnormalities, alter normal cell division, affect genetic makeup of new cells and lower cell immunity, increasing the possibility of viral infections among users.


THC causes enlargement of the area between nerve cells, resulting in poor transmission of nerve impulses between these cells.  The “tampering” has several effects on the nervous system, including:

  • Impaired speech

  • Difficulty in comprehending complex ideas

  • Loss of memory

  • Difficulty in concentrating or focusing Irregular sleep habits; insomnia

  • Mood swings

  • Lack of body coordination

  • Decrease in muscle strength

  • Blurred vision and impaired visual perception

Marijuana is harmful to the entire respirator system from the sinus cavities to the air sacs within the lungs.  Marijuana smoke is more harmful than tobacco smoke, and users have a much higher incidence of respiratory disease than nonusers.  Other respiratory problems associated with marijuana use are:


  • Sinusitis - an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses, which is a result of smoke irritation to the nostrils.

  • Bronchitis - an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which take air from the windpipe to the lungs.  Chronic marijuana users often cough up yellowish-green mucus, which may be tinged with blood.

  • Lung cancer - marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke.  Smoking three to five marijuana joints a week is equivalent to smoking 16 cigarettes every day.

Smoking one marijuana cigarette has the immediate effect of increasing heart rate and blood pressure as much as 50 percent.  Marijuana increases the amount of toxic carbon monoxide in the blood, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the heart.  The typical red or bloodshot eyes of the marijuana user reflect increased blood pressure and changes in the blood vessels. Chest pains have been attributed to marijuana use.  People who suffer from angina, high blood pressure, diabetes, or other heart problems take an even greater risk smoking marijuana.


Marijuana can have far-reaching effects on the reproductive systems of both males and females. 


Effects on males:

  • Decreased masculinity.  Lowered levels of  testosterone (essential for the development and support of male secondary sexual characteristics such as hair growth,   voice tone, and muscle distribution)

  • Impotency.  Sexual Dysfunction

  • Infertility.  Moderate to heavy marijuana use, especially among 12-17 year-olds, can result in decreased or zero sperm production & abnormal sperm among users, which can result in birth defects in offspring.

Effects on females:

  • Decreased femininity.  Increases the amount of testosterone in the body, causing an increase in acne and such male characteristics as body and facial hair, and flattening of the breasts and buttocks.

  • Infertility.  May interrupt the menstrual cycle and interfere with reproductive health and fertility.  THC can cause irreversible damage to the supply of eggs from the ovaries.

  • Pregnancy complications.  Use during pregnancy may result in premature births, low-birth weights, birth defects and increased infant mortality rate.  Nursing mothers can transfer THC to their babies through their breast milk.

  • Chronic use as an escape from stress, allows the user to block out pain, frustration or confusion.  Repeated use may cause a-motivational syndrome resulting in inability to cope with stress, moodiness and depression.

Similar to the a-motivational syndrome, burnout is the effect of prolonged marijuana use.  Heavy users become dull and inattentive and sometimes unaware of their surroundings.  They often do not respond when spoken to and do not realize they have a problem. A common negative reaction to marijuana is the “acute panic anxiety reaction.”  People describe this as an extreme fear of “losing control,” which causes panic.  Symptoms usually disappear within five to eight hours.


Marijuana is considered to be a gateway drug.  This means marijuana users tend to move on to more harmful drugs such as cocaine, heroin or LSD.  However, there is no conclusive evidence that marijuana causes the use of more potent substances. When marijuana is combined with other drugs such as alcohol, the effects of each are compounded and become several times more harmful. While marijuana may not be physically addictive, regular users can develop a psychological dependence.