
Drug Screen Results

On-Line Training

Labcorp eReq

eScreen On-Line

Background Screens

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Cheryl Simons

Tamara Koster

Steven Ravitz

Michael Collier, MD, MRO

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Cheryl Keyes, Client Service Manager, Treasurer 




Cheryl Keyes, a native of Southwest Florida, came to Coastal Health Management Services, Inc. in October of 1993 as a part time office assistant. She was promoted to full time Data Entry in January 1994 and worked up to the position of Senior Client Service Representative in 1997 and was promoted to manager in 2003. Cheryl has extensive knowledge of both Federal and State regulations and requirements. She is the primary resource for client information and services as well as our internal quality control manager for drug screening and background screening. Cheryl is certified in phlebotomy and drug screen collections to gain a greater knowledge of the details and problems associated with the collection of specimens.  She is also in charge of Account Payable and Receivable and has extensive knowledge of Quickbooks and MS Excel. As of January 2010 Cheryl is a full partner in Coastal MRO, Inc. serving as Treasurer, CFO and general manager.