
Drug Screen Results

On-Line Training

Labcorp eReq

eScreen On-Line

Background Screens

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Cheryl Keyes

Tamara Koster

Steven Ravitz

Michael Collier, MD, MRO

Click on these topics for information on how to contact the staff at Coastal MRO, Inc. or a map of directions to our office.


Steven Ravitz, Vice-President




Steven Ravitz, born in Wilmington, Delaware,  is one of the original founders of Coastal MRO, Inc. Steven worked his way through college (computer science/mathematics major) at the UK Medical Center in various health care fields including X-ray Technology, Respiratory Therapy and Pulmonary Functions Studies. In 1987 Steven managed the Bonita Springs Medical Center where he met Michael Collier, MD and David DePree, MD.


Drs. Collier and DePree and Steven chartered Coastal MRO, Inc. in 1990 and in 1993 Steven was made a full partner  Coastal MRO, Inc. expanded it's services to include all functions of a Third Party Administrator. Steven  manages the operations of Coastal MRO, Inc. in addition to co-authoring the system software, designing web pages and overseeing the information technology department. He is also the random program administrator and oversees the background screen department.